Our Projects
In 2024, Clean Green Action began its 17th year of working on projects that focus on sustainability and reducing impact on the environment. This year, we're taking on these projects:
In 2024, Clean Green Action began its 17th year of working on projects that focus on sustainability and reducing impact on the environment. This year, we're taking on these projects:
- Choose to Reuse Starter Resource – The purpose of this project is to disseminate information to towns and cities on the benefits of a Choose to Reuse program and assist them with setting it up.
- Recycling Rangers – This activity loans recycling containers to local community events as well as private events in the Wisconsin Rapids area.
- Sustainable Wisconsin Rapids – This involves working with Wisconsin Rapids officials to form a Sustainability Committee and to move the city towards becoming a sustainable community.
- Bird City – In 2024 the Bird City designation for Wisconsin Rapids will be renewed with continued work on a woodlot project behind Lincoln High School, Birdability site assessments, support for the Wisconsin Prairie Chicken Festival on April 13, and events such as Birding by Ear, Kiwanis Youth Outdoor Day, the Christmas Bird Count and Science by the River.
- Highway Pickup – Our adopted stretch of highway is cleaned up twice each year so our group can walk the talk in a very public and noticeable way.
- Monarch and Pollinator Encouragement – This collaborative effort between municipalities, the county and local organizations promotes pollinator gardens through education and action such as the expansion of Butterfly Hill along the Riverview Expressway.
- Climate Awareness Book Club – This book club is aimed at choosing, reading, and discussing books or reports about climate change and sustainability in order to educate ourselves and to help find constructive ways to address the issues while also addressing our own anxieties about the overwhelming nature of the problem. If interested in joining, send an email to [email protected].
- Recruitment and Outreach - The purpose of this project is to look ahead and plan for successors to the board membership and officers to fill vacant positions. This would be accomplished through recruitment of new members and getting them actively involved in the organization. Outreach activities planned for this year include the creation of promotional bookmarks and an ecology themed board game event.
- Climate Action - This project is to provide individuals suggestions on actions that they can take with respect to Climate Change via emails as well as the CGA website and Facebook page.
- Trike Share - A member of CGA acquired two used classic upright adult pedal trikes and agreed to donate these. These trikes will be refurbished and made available to people with disabilities through cooperation with the Wood County Health Department.
- Booth at local/area fairs – When possible, we attempt to have a presence at events like the Grand Affair.
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